These are just Example Pages.
Your Page will be made to match your product or service as discussed
More examples will come in the future
Basic Template
This template is just basic. Its used to pass information on to the site visitor and possibly attract them to a service by a call to action.
Restaurant Template
This template is used for resturants. Its to show off the resturant’s food and atmosphere. When using this template please have photo’s prepaird or we can contact a photographer for you.
Weding / Engagement Template
Sometimes an invite isn’t enough. This template is an extention of the invite most wedding parties send out. It can provide the basic instructions or all the way up to telling the story. Please have photo’s and videos prepaird for this template.
Book Template
This template is to mainly show off a book. It can also be used to show of a single product if needed. You will need testmonials for this page to look better please have some real written up short ones for use before chooseing this option.
Store Template
This template is used for online stores. It main purpose is to sell your products digital or physical. You will need to be trained to use a Online Shopping cart if you don’t know how they work to use this template.
Portfolio / Gallery Template
This template is to showcase your work, products, items, or yourself if your a model. You will need to have lots of images prepaired to use this template.